Monday, February 7, 2011

The Dream

I stand in the middle of a once busy street in a darkened city. No light shines from the black windows of the surrounding buildings. Every one that lived here fled long ago or perished in the bloody siege. I'm not sure what city these gutted buildings surrounding me belong to or how I happen to be here.
There is an electricity in the air. I can feel it penetrating me, filling me with desperation. I should not be here and there is nowhere to run. No matter where I happen to be there would be no safe haven. A tear streaks down my cheek as I become aware that nobody on Earth has a way out, a place to flee. Even being conscious that I have been here before, witnessed the end over and over, enough times to know that this is not real... I mourn for the Earth's population. I sit down in the road and cast my eyes downward. I focus on the pavement not wanting to see the terrible sky's. But I will look up... I always do.
Shadows pull themselves over the city like a wave cresting over the beach. The dark grey surroundings turn a impenetrable blackness and I can hear the crack of thunder overhead. I know it's not thunder and not because I have been here before but because the clap of thunder flashes no light and the rumbling never dies down.
I can no longer resist looking, like always, and I turn my face skyward to behold the falling of the heavens. Stars streak across the sky to the left and right of my vision. Covering most of the sky are fragments of the Moon. It breaks apart as Earths gravity pulls it down in a suicidal embrace. The Moons own gravity and mass cause the Earths tectonic plates to shift and slide rapidly. In a matter of seconds I see the ground rip apart under my feet. As I struggle to right myself I become aware that I am screaming. A primal scream of fear that I have never heard from my own mouth before. And that is what bothers me the most in my vision or dream, I'm not sure what to call it. I should be used to this hell by now, I should have no fear. I'm Bill Ryzer, I have never known fear.